– Why do I have to submit my payslips for financial justification of the project? Why do I have to include my job contract?

The National Agency requests that all persons actively participating in the project demonstrate contractual and economic relationship with the entity to which they are ascribed. The way to verify this information is through the following documents:
- Job contract that justifies the relationship of the worker with the institution that participates in the project during its execution time.
- Monthly payslips of the teacher/researcher involved in the project, to justify the staff costs assigned.
- In the case of SMEs: it will be necessary for the person participating in the project to have a contractual relationship through a commercial contract that complies with the regulatory requirements for the figure of dependent self-employed person described in the Spanish Self-employed Persons Act; or to be funded partner of the company. The invoices corresponding to the activity carried out in the project will also be attached in the case of not having payslips.
This information, of course, is confidential and will be regulated under the conditions of the LPD. (All the information will be updated in the Drive folder of each partner and the info will only be accessible to the coordinator of the project and the corresponding partner).

– How much money will I get for my work?
The National Agency pre-establishes in the contract the estimated payment dates and their corresponding percentages. In the case of B4E the percentages are divided into 20-20-40-20 % respectively. The first payment is transferred as a support fund to start with the project; however, the following ones will be subject of technical and economic reports approval by the NA. These reports are mandatory and each partner is responsible for providing the coordinator on time and form the documentation requested to comply with the contract.
The LEAR of each institution will decide internally when, how much and how they pays its employees. Neither we as coordinators nor the National Agency can intervene in the internal management of payments of each institution.

– Who is going to pay me for the work I have done on this project?
The institution to which you are ascribed in the project will be responsible for establishing such payments. They are the ones deciding if such remuneration is of an ordinary or extraordinary nature, concerning what each participant receives monthly, in no case it is the responsibility of the project coordinator.

– Who can participate in the project?
Each institution explicitly decides who will participate in the project according to the profiles required in the tasks, and it is highly recommended that these people have fluent English that allows them to communicate in transnational events and daily work of the project.
It is recommended that the people included in the report justify their activity in the project, at least in some of its phases.
– Who can attend transnational meetings and events?
Any person who meets the requirements demanded by the National Agency at the time of justifying the travel expenses, that is to say:
- Any person who has a contractual relationship with one of the partners participating in the project.
People who do not meet these requirements may not participate in the events expressly organized by the project.
In case that a partner wants to include a guest participant, they must ask and justify the reasons to participate in a written letter to the coordinator and the expenses arising from such travelling will not be ordinarily charged to the travelling budget. However the institution can satisfy such expenses charged to the management budget assigned.
– What documentation should I keep to justify my trips?

Each member, depending on the distance from their country to the place where the event will be held, will receive a flat rate of travel expenses per participant, described in the financial report and the contract. Each member has a specific number of motilities that are also detailed- In order to justify the allocation of these budget per participant, the National Agency requires the presentation of the following documentation:
- Boarding pass for each flight: it can be a paper, scanned or digital boarding pass.

- Hotel bill.
- Payslips of each participant corresponding to the month in which the mobility was carried out in order to demonstrate once again the contractual link of the worker with the participating institution.
- Job contract of each participant in the mobility.
- Certificate of Attendance.
- Expenditure justification document (list) of the project
- Tickets or invoices for maintenance are not required for the coordinator.
- Tickets for taxis, hotels or public transport used for mobility.